
INSTRUMENT design – base class for INSTRUMENT creation

The Instrument object is used as the base class for deriving RTcmix user-written INSTRUMENTS. It is never used directly, although many of its attributes are essential to RTcmix INSTRUMENT design. Someone writing an RTcmix instrument generally only needs to fill in two of the Instrument methods: the INSTRUMENT::init() method for initializing INSTRUMENT notes, and the INSTRUMENT::run() method for computing samples. See the RTcmix instrument design tutorial for how this is done.

Class Variables

NOTE: Although older RTcmix instruments access and modify many of these variables directly, it is better to use the Access Methods described below. In fact, I’m not even sure that these variables can be used directly, but it’s probably good to know about them. So here they are…

Access Methods

int Instrument::currentFrame()

returns the current sample (frame) being computed. This is the value of the variable cursamp.

int Instrument::framesToRun()

returns the number of samples (frames) to compute in each invocation of the Instrument::run() method. Usually this is the value of the variable chunksamps.

int Instrument::nSamps()

returns the total number of samples (frames) to run for the note. This is the value of the variable _nsamps.

int Instrument::inputChannels()

returns the number of input channels for the input device or file (specified in the rtinput scorefile directive). This is the value of the variable inputchans.

int Instrument::outputChannels()

returns the number of output channels for the output device or file (specified in the rtsetparams scorefile directive). This is the value of the variable outputchans.

float* Instrument::getPFieldTable(int index, int *tablelen)

returns a pointer to the floating-point array of a table constructed by, for example, the maketable() scorefile command. index designates which PField from the incoming p[]-array (starting from 0, of course) holds the reference to the table, and *tablelen is an int variable passed into the method by reference; the resulting value loaded into the tablelen variable will be the length of the array.

int Instrument::getSkip()

returns the value of the variable _skip, which is set by the reset scorefile command. This is the number of samples to count down for one ‘control-rate’ period. See the update function for an example of how this might be used. The default value is 1000.

void Instrument::increment()

increments the value of cursamp, used to keep track of how many samples (frames) have been executed. Equivalent to ++cursamp.

void Instrument::increment(int amount)

increments the value of cursamp by amount, used to keep track of how many samples (frames) have been executed. Equivalent to cursamp += amount.

float Instrument::getstart()

returns the start time (in seconds) of the INSTRUMENT note. This is the value of the variable _start.

float Instrument::getdur()

returns the duration (in seconds) of the INSTRUMENT note. This is the value of the variable _dur.

int Instrument::getendsamp()

returns the ending sample number (frame) of the INSTRUMENT note. This is the value of the variable endsamp.

void Instrument::setchunk(int chunksize)

sets the value of the chunksamps variable to chinksize. This is the number of sample frames that will be processed during each invocation of the run sample-computing method.

void Instrument::setendsamp(int sampno)

sets the ending sample number (frame) of the INSTRUMENT note to sampno. This sets the value of the variable endsamp.

The following virtual methods can be overridden by the INSTRUMENT designer in building an RTcmix instrument:

int Instrument::init(double p[], int n_args)

is called by the parser to set up and schedule an INSTRUMENT for execution. The p[] array contains the parameters for the INSTRUMENT note passed in from the scorefile, and n_args is the total number of parameters parsed for that INSTRUMENT note. The maximum size of this p[] array is set by

in the “RTcmix/src/include/maxdispargs.h” file. The number of samples to be computed for the note (see the nSamps method) is returned, or the token DONT_SCHEDULE if there was an error in the initialization of the INSTRUMENT note. See the RTcmix instrument design tutorial for more information on this INSTRUMENT class method.

int Instrument::run()

is called during RTcmix execution to compute samples for each INSTRUMENT note that is scheduled. It is expected that this method will produce chunksamps samples (see the framesToRun method) each time it is called. Generally the number of samples computed is returned. See the RTcmix instrument design tutorial for more information on this INSTRUMENT class method.

int Instrument::configure()

is sometimes called to set up sample buffers or initialize run-time variables for specific INSTRUMENTs. configure is also called once at the beginning of a scheduled note (except in the older ‘rtinteractive mode’ using a TCP/IP socket interface), so it can be used to perform one-time tasks that need to happen just as an INSTRUMENT begins a note.

0 is returned for a successful completion, -1 otherwise.

Other INSTRUMENT class methods that are of general utility have their own documentation entrries. These include:

[NOTE: There are a number of other methods associated with the INSTRUMENT class, but these work upon scheduling aspects of RTcmix execution that probably shouldn’t be addressed within an instrument. However, if you need to do this kind of modification, please see the source files “RTcmix/src/rtcmix/Instrument.cpp” and “RTcmix/src/rtcmix/Instrument.h”]


oh there are many of them…