
INSTRUMENT design – read samples from the input device or file

The Ortgetin object fills an input array with samples from a soundfile or an input device, depending upon the parameters set in the rtinput scorefile command. It essentially wraps the rtgetin function and simplifies the necessary array allocation and sample-retrieval chores.

It is still the responsibility of the RTcmix instrument designer to properly handle differing numbers of input channels (i.e. mono vs. stereo) in the Instrument::run() method. Ortgetin will configure it’s input buffers and returned sample array based upon the values of the RTBUFSAMPS parameter. Ortgetin will automatically read a new input buffer whenever the current buffer of input samples is exhausted. Note that Ortgetin assumes that the input has been properly set using the rtsetinput function.

See the instrument design tutorial for more information on how Ortgetin is used.


Access Methods
